D. asked: "In the last year my hair texture has been
changing. I have been fighting male pattern baldness since
school (30 years ago), and have been using Minoxidil
since it
became legal as over the counter medicine in '96.
The Minoxidil
has not regrown any new hair, but I have
continued to use it in
the hope that it will slow down my
hair loss (I honestly can't say
that it has, as my hair is
still getting thinner, although very
slowly). In the front
area my hair is becoming very fine and
wispy. This is the
area that I usually apply the Minoxidil to. Is
it possible
that the minoxidil is causing the hair texture
Should I quit using it? What else can cause hair texture
changes? Is there anything I can take to make my hair texture
thick again? Lots of questions...thanks for the help. -ed
Peter H. Proctor, PhD MD answered:
Likely, While it may not reverse your hair loss
minoxidil is likely keeping your hair from miniturizing as quickly,
though it may stop working after 3-4 years. As for other
treatments, see our summary of hair loss and hair loss
at www.drproctor.com/baldfaq.htm.
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