" I'm a 42 year old female. The potential side effects of Rogaine for hair loss scare me, especially the facial hair, chest pains and increased heart rate (my resting heart rate is already pretty high and I have a tendency toward high blood pressure -currently under control). These are posted on the Rogaine box. I was wondering if your products have the same type of side effects and what side effects have your patients/customers had. Would trying your shampoo & conditioner be a good way to start
before making the commitment to the regrowth formula? Do people have success with just the shampoo & conditioner? Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions.

Dr Peter H. Proctor, PhD MD answered: to date the only side-effects with our various hair loss treatments we have seen are local skin reactions that quickly clear up on stopping treatment. BTW, other than skin reactions and extra body hair growth, the minoxidil side-effects that you worry about are very rare to non-existant.. Minoxidil itself seems to have a relatively low order of side-effects even then taken orally. There are reports of people surviving huge gram amounts taken in suicide attempts, if they have prper cardiorespiratory sopport.

Yes, Our shampoo and conditioner are reasonable to try first. They also
compliment other hair loss treatments..

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